I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I have no idea what the future holds for me. For you. I wake up, go to school, go to work, go home, and sleep. Everyday. Somehow between it all I still find time to spend with my friends, with people I really care about. Five years ago I moved out to Lafayette with a good friend of mine. At the time he was just a really good friend, a common thread we shared was Adam. Two years ago we broke up, but we stayed friends, we became really close and still are. Now, this person is going to be moving over three hours away to another state. This makes me feel....scared. Maybe not abandoned but that'll mean everyone I moved out here with will no longer be an integral part of my life. What a strange concept. I don't like saying goodbye to people at all. It's hard to move on. It's strange meeting new people and becoming a part of their lives. You learn new words and new habits and new mannerisms. And you have to adjust accordingly. It almost feels like everything is changing around me but I'm staying the same. I inevitably feel as though life will continue on while I'll be stuck here in my mind and body, living and breathing the same as I've always been but the scenery will change. There will be new actors and new scenes and I'm not quite sure I can keep up with the ever changing dialogue. I wish there was at least one thing I was sure of in this life. I mean absolutely without a doubt thing I can be certain of. I'm going to do THIS after I'm done with school, or I'm going THERE after all is said and done. Really I am nothing more than halfmade plans, and even those are constantly changing. I don't know when I'll get a car or if I'll ever get a car. I don't really know what I want to do with my life. And I'm almost 24 years old. Shouldn't I have this figured out already? Anyways it's time for bed. Maybe my dreams will have an answer for me. Shared from Google Keep