“if only you could see”
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Timeline for May 2011
So I need to compile a list of things that will be happening starting today, until the rest of May. Lists help me feel "accomplished" but also I just need to make sure I get shit done by the end of this month.
May 15 - I have work from 4pm to 2am. Not much will be happening today.
May 16 - I'm off today. I should start packing. Also cleaning. Perhaps I'll start with clothes I am not going to need for the rest of the month, and books. Actually, I will do laundry, and as each load is totally finished, I'll pack it away. So let's concentrate on clothes only.
May 17 - Off again. Continue packing and cleaning. Finish up whatever clothes I have. Starting on books. I have a decent amount of books/magazines, so I need to find boxes that are big enough but also not too big so that when full they aren't heavy as fuck.
May 18 - Today is pay day. Continue working on books, until finished. Start on cleaning floor. Organizing my "things". Work tonight.
May 19 - Packing and working. I have a lot of random stuff, so I need to pack it up but I should probably also mark things as "important" or "needs to be sorted". Because there are probably quite a few things I don't need. I'm just a pack rat.
May 20 - Packing cleaning and working. Once the floor is totally clean, I must work on getting things out of the closet and packed. This includes loose articles of clothing, and other large items. Once this is done, do a thorough vacuum on the floor. Walls need to be cleaned as best as they can.
May 21 - Going to Lake Charles for friends' graduations. I need to find someone to work for me.
May 22 - Graduation. Must find someone to work for me.
May 23 - Off of work. Today I should start bringing my belonging's to Kelly's place. She has until June 9th to move out. We move in to our new place June 1st.
May 24 - Off of work. Should move things to Kelly's today as well.
May 25 - Work tonight. I have four pieces of large furniture: my bookshelf, my bed, and two side tables. I suppose we can say five or six, if we count the headboard, and mattresses separately from the box spring. Unsure when these can be moved. Probably it would be best to just wait until June 1st, and move these straight from my old place to our new place.
May 26 - Work. Continue whatever cleaning and packing I have.
May 27 - Work. Packing, if not finished, and cleaning.
May 28 - Work. Packing and cleaning.
May 29 - Work. Packing and cleaning.
May 30 - Raising Cane's company picnic. A day for having fun with cotton candy and going crazy on fun jumps.
May 31 - Last day.
June 1 - Official move in day to new place. I need to request off of work for this day. We will start moving on this day and I think it's best to wait to bring my large furniture until then.
I'll add more details to this list as I think of them.