i am slightly depressed that today was such a "bad weather" day, especially on mardi gras..... i didn't go outside (except for when i came home this morning) and i just had a normal, lazy, boring day....
i am thinking too much about things that might have been
and i have nothing to divert my thoughts to
i don't feel like reading
i want to pick up a hobby
something that takes time and devotion
i wish the sun were out so it could warm my skin and feel the breeze run through my hair
i want to ride my bike for extended periods of time and allow the endorphins to pleasure numb the pain
i should have taken a shower today but i didn't so i feel gross and i am sitting in yesterday's filth
i want to pet a cat
i wish the sun would come out to play
i would like to play games with my room mates
but we are all being lazy in our quiet ways
it's funny that i'm bothering with punctuation but not capitalization.. oh well!