sitting in an empty room. trying to forget the past. this was never meant to last. i wish it wasn't so.
So IBM has done it again. First, it was Deep Blue, a chess AI that was made to play against the world's greatest chess players. And it won. Now they have Watson, an AI built to basically work like a search engine. This is a very basic explanation. With a search engine, you type in "cats" and it finds all these articles about cats, photos, whatever. But with Watson, you can ask it a question and it will search through its vast database running multiple algorithms to determine how many searches independently arrive at the same conclusion, which make the computer realize, by statics, which is most likely the correct answer. And what better way to test this AI, than to let it play on Jeopardy? Against two of the greatest Jeopardy players: Ken Jennings, and Brad Idontknowhislastname. Ken Jennings had the longest win streak, and I think Brad won the most money in a single game? Anyways, the AI beat the humans, not because of knowing more things, but because of speed- everyone who buzzed in answered correctly.