And I wonder as I lay here, in this sleepless field of dreams..


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I hope I don't put you to sleep.

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“if only you could see”
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Jan 9, 2010 || 9:08 PM || comment?

Tell me, what is the importance of getting married? Why do you think it is necessary, unnecessary (yet you would still), or something just totally not necessary and you would never get married?

I want to get married. I want to be proposed to. I want to be proposed to in a romantic way (not unlike the way you see in movies)...well I don't want it to be like in the movies, I want it to be personal and something that I would really enjoy. Being proposed to at a special place with some significance to Adam and myself, or perhaps a new place that is a very neat or unique place and it is the kind of place you might get proposed

Why do I want to get married? There are a few main reasons. The first is love. The second is legal/I want to have a family. Another is structure.

I want to get married because being married to someone is like the final step in sealing your relationship with someone. When you get married you make an official promise to someone that you love them and always will love them (please do not bring up divorce right now). When you get married you promise to take care of each other til the end of your days. This is for love. For trust. For affection.

I want to get married because when you are married to someone, there are legal benefits that are necessary in order to provide a solid foundation for starting/having a family. Hospital rights. Having a joint bank account. Taxes. It is much much much easier to provide for your children when you are a two-person, married/civil union couple (heterosexual and homosexual, I believe both family types are fully capable of providing a loving and caring "home" for their children). This is also where structure comes in, because it mostly ties into the family part. I want to have a family where my children have parents that are solid in the sense of trust and security.

Getting married doesn't change the fact that I love Adam, so in that sense, "marriage doesn't change anything". But being married is more than just about proving to the audience you love someone.

This is why I want to get married..

I have been with Adam for four years now. I've told him how I'd at least like to be proposed to by the time we are both done with college...I don't want to get married asap or start a family asap... I don't want a ring that costs several thousand dollars..Ideally we can get married before we both start our careers, but try not to have any children until we are both financially secure after starting out careers..

this is just something I want to do, okay? I hope that I covered everything..

please comment and let me know why you want to get married, or don't, think it's necessary or unnecessary...