And I wonder as I lay here, in this sleepless field of dreams..


Somehow you've stumbled upon my blog, scraping the ends of the internet for something interesting.

Instead you found this.
I hope I don't put you to sleep.

Stories of fiction and fact lie dormant in this digital journal. Anything labelled with fiction junction is just that: fiction.


» fiction junction. [all stories are sorted by this tag]
» refraction.
» love's weight.
» Viktor's Girls. [an ongoing collection]

do you think of me when I think of you

» Rachel Waa.
» xkcd.
» questionable content.
» the awesomer.
» not always right.
» stumble upon.
» Lore Olympus.

as the nighttime slowly sings...?

» chih.
» kaylyn.
» kitty.
» j comeau of A Softer World.

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“if only you could see”
February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 May 2010 June 2010 September 2010 October 2010 January 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 August 2011 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 August 2013 November 2013 December 2013 January 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 May 2015 May 2016 June 2016 July 2016 December 2016 June 2017 July 2017 June 2018 November 2020 December 2020 April 2021 November 2021

Red Barchetta.
Dec 16, 2008 || 1:08 AM || comment?

run like the wind as excitement shivers up and down my spine...

So this is currently my new favorite song by Rush...for a while I'd been listening to it, and didn't know what the song was about because I only knew less than fifty percent of the lyrics...

I'm not really sure why I liked it in the first place, a couple of songs I liked instantly, but now this is becoming my favorite song as I listen to the entire album [several times actually hahah]

You know I set out to write a blog and I guess right now my mind is drawing a blank...but it's not like I /don't/ have things to talk about. I just don't know what to pick to talk about, out of all the possible things...

you know...actually I don't know...

have you ever taken the time to feel your fingernails? I was doing that just now, while I was thinking about what I want to share with you, and my left thumbnail, when I rub my index finger across it, has this kind of flat area, that kind of dips down a little then I feel my right thumbnail, and it is totally opposite. I rub my index finger across it and it's like a little hill...I feel my other fingernails, and nothing. They are "normal", compared to my thumbs.

hm..I was hoping that by talking about something relatively pointless, my mind might go on a tangent and I'd write something I feel "useful" or "time-worthy". Hahah, but I am still not really feeling anything. how about a story?

The Great Escape, or [a meteor shower].

The lights of the city were made that much brighter by the backdrop of nightfall. Heavy rain clouds blanketed the city, watering its inhabitants in the meantime. Traffic never seemed to let down in this thriving metropolis. Zooming into the streets, cars drove by, paying the least bit of attention to one of the hundreds of motorcycles buzzing on past. A girl was the driver, wearing a helmet, a light jacket, and some jeans. What a terrible night to be out on a motorcycle. The sound of the wheels on the wet concrete was a little terrifying, knowing that any slight mistake could make her the fresh coat of paint on the pavement. She hardly noticed the lights that dared to blind her as she rode away from the city, the bustling sounds would too if she would let them keep up to her ears, but she pushed the gas too hard for that. Eventually the lights were behind her, but beckoning other cars into the city like moths to a lamp. Now that she was completely covered in the dark did she slow down, and finally turning down an obscure dirt path. She saw the clump of other motorcycles parked in what had become the "parking lot" even though the entire place was dirt and litter. She too parked, next to a nice red bike, and got off her own. She removed her helmet and carried it in her left hand. The sounds of lighthearted conversation made its way to her ears, and she smiled. From her back pocket she pulled out a crushed pack of cigarettes. She took one and stuck it in her mouth, and made her way to the crowd of people a few feet ahead. Once she became part of the group, several of them turned as they noticed her presence, all greeting her amidst their great conversation, and one guy offered her a light. She winked and the Zippo man flicked the wheel, a burst of flame appeared and wavered in the light breeze. She leaned forward, and thanked him, and he simply nodded. She joined in some crude conversation, and the others didn't pay any mind to her being a girl; it didn't matter who she was to them, and she joked along as well. One voice became louder than each individual group, and their attentions drew to him. They all sat down and looked to the sky. Stunning streaks of light streaked through the sky, in different locations within the same general area, and the crude chatter evolved into awe-filled mutterings as the crowd watched the extraterrestrial matter blaze past in the sky.