And I wonder as I lay here, in this sleepless field of dreams..


Somehow you've stumbled upon my blog, scraping the ends of the internet for something interesting.

Instead you found this.
I hope I don't put you to sleep.

Stories of fiction and fact lie dormant in this digital journal. Anything labelled with fiction junction is just that: fiction.


» fiction junction. [all stories are sorted by this tag]
» refraction.
» love's weight.
» Viktor's Girls. [an ongoing collection]

do you think of me when I think of you

» Rachel Waa.
» xkcd.
» questionable content.
» the awesomer.
» not always right.
» stumble upon.
» Lore Olympus.

as the nighttime slowly sings...?

» chih.
» kaylyn.
» kitty.
» j comeau of A Softer World.

Template by Elle @
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“if only you could see”
February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 May 2010 June 2010 September 2010 October 2010 January 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 August 2011 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 August 2013 November 2013 December 2013 January 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 May 2015 May 2016 June 2016 July 2016 December 2016 June 2017 July 2017 June 2018 November 2020 December 2020 April 2021 November 2021

an off-key day.
Dec 23, 2008 || 9:14 PM || comment?

Do you ever have one of them? Because I am having one today. Let me explain. Maybe you play piano, and you see an old piano, beautiful, brown, a nice layer of dust is blanketing it. You pretend you are on stage, and you look around you. A meek smile, and a gentle wave. You sit down and inhale deeply because you are nervous. The dust finds its way into your nose and you sneeze. Oh dear. Just begin playing, you set one finger down on an ivory key, expecting a C, but getting nothing of the sort. You feel like that awkward note.

Or maybe you spend your days on the computer, fingers flying across the keyboard. Well if you're like me, you might not necessarily use the home keys. And maybe you've memorized the spaces between the letters rather than their actual placement [maybe that is placement haha]. So when you being typing, if you start at the wrong ibe it ends uo ainsthing liek this. And maybe you are feeling like all that nonsense you just typed out. I am feeling like all that nonsense I just typed out. But I am glad that it is windy outside.

It's a strange thing to set foot on campus, and not see a single student around. The crosswalk light still goes off when the streetlight turns red. It reminds me of a bird chirping, something kind of comical actually. The quad is something really nice to see when no one is passing through it. And yet, the clouds were hanging in the sky, making everything a dreary wasn't that happy. Also, I wasn't that happy. But the wind was blowing my hair around, and I was by myself, and I really like the wind. I'm walking down a side walk considering where I should go next, when I see a flower on the concrete. A bright, fake, yellow rose. Even with those fake dew drops. Against the concrete that yellow couldn't be any brighter. I picked it up and looked around then shoved the pitiful thing in my purse. Probably why I am so messy, I just have so many things that I don't need, serve no purpose to me...but I like to keep little trinkets. I give those little things a very particular meaning to me, and this is why I cannot part with them. They might be buried under clutter and when I am looking for something else I might stumble upon that very thing and smile at the memory. Or maybe it might make me cry. Who knows.

Again I guess it's kind of funny to save these kinds of blog posts and continue writing them later haha. I have such a change in mood. But this is a good thing. I really like this thick sleeping bag of mine. The laptop was sitting on it, so it was warm and heavy in a really nice way when I covered my legs with it just now.

I can't always be waiting waiting on you..