“if only you could see”
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i'm very much aware, the madness of slow motion as you move your legs to walk,
i'm very much aware of this madness when you talk.
i want to thank everyone for such a wonderfully fun weekend!
the food and cake was good.
the presents were thoughtful and awesome [and they all fit!], and again
my hello kitty supply has been filled. (:
i've got a little story to write, but not right now...
actually i haven't thought about it yet, but i know that i want to write something.
i fear that i am getting into something, and i won't be able to find my way out.
it is so much easier to just go along with something instead of thinking it out.
in other news, everyone really likes my new haircut/style, so thanks to ashley and suzan. (:
i also have a really cute hair tie now. it is a light blue and light brown and black color, i got it from jun young, i really like it.
and when i bought a coffee pot and coffee, i forgot one essential item: coffee filter.
so i have a today to-do list: fix my bike, get some filters.
tomorrow i have a force myself to-do routine, to get into the habit of: getting up at 6am, washing my hair, blow drying, straightening.
oh dear the cold weather. i was walking to class and my fingers were like icicles. and when i finally sat down in class, they were thawing out in a painful way, like if you imagine dying, and then being revived a little while later, you become aware of the pain from all the things your possibly mangled body experience in order for you to die.
as cool as a time machine would sound, i think it would ultimately be a thing of destruction.
if you had a time machine, where you would go [back in your own lifetime] and what would you do?
there are a couple of times i have betrayed friends, one of them being when i was younger. i'd go back and not repeat my actions. this is assuming of course, that when you time travel, you become that age you were back then, but full of the knowledge you possess in the present. however, more likely is the going back in time and there being two of you, one of the past and one of the "future".
i would also go back and change how i handled my senior year, and perhaps previous years, in terms of my studies. i could have done so much better, but there was a lack of caring. too bad i am caring now that it's too late.
also this just in: mcneese has a radiologic sciences program, whereas UL doesn't...
[i have been considering changing my major, mostly because i never REALLY thought about all my possibilities. i just found something and jumped at it because, hey, well i didn't have any other ideas.]