And I wonder as I lay here, in this sleepless field of dreams..


Somehow you've stumbled upon my blog, scraping the ends of the internet for something interesting.

Instead you found this.
I hope I don't put you to sleep.

Stories of fiction and fact lie dormant in this digital journal. Anything labelled with fiction junction is just that: fiction.


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» refraction.
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» Viktor's Girls. [an ongoing collection]

do you think of me when I think of you

» Rachel Waa.
» xkcd.
» questionable content.
» the awesomer.
» not always right.
» stumble upon.
» Lore Olympus.

as the nighttime slowly sings...?

» chih.
» kaylyn.
» kitty.
» j comeau of A Softer World.

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“if only you could see”
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Owlet Hymn.
Jul 8, 2008 || 3:31 PM || comment?

In the mail today I got a bit of reading material: Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries; Development and History. It's a small book but it's full of material I will probably be bored with. I will keep a mechanical pencil with me to write down the important bits of information. I hope it's good enough to get me a trophy at nationals. That and there's the codes test that I'm really excited for. All week it has rained sometime in the afternoon, and it's really annoying. It should just rain all day and get it over with. Instead of raining here and there and being annoying.

I had a pretty weird dream, with Mr. Sickmann in it. We were supposed to be making 280 mls of a certain chemical, and the first time I did it wrong. So then I was going to remake it, but then the class started doing something else, so I just poured it down the drain. But he still wanted the chemical. So I had to make it a third time, and he told me it was okay if I just made a proportional fraction of the amount we were supposed to make. At first it was an orange color, kind of shimmery. But the less I made, the more red it became.

Dreams are funny things, the kind you have at night, not the kind you set your sights on. It's interesting to find out about the dreams of others, because I think I'd go on with life thinking others had dreams the same way I did, but really they don't. Do you believe that dreams are trying to tell you something? I'm not sure if I do, mostly because: What could a dream like that mean? Don't become a scientist because you're sure to fuck things up? To be honest I don't know. XD

Another dream involved a playground slide. But we were a little bit higher than the slide, and would have to drop down to get on it. And it would seem like you'd plummet to your death, but in reality you'd be okay, the slide was under you just right, and it was sure the catch you, and it was really steep, and kind of fun. I just don't like getting shocked when going down slides. :/