And I wonder as I lay here, in this sleepless field of dreams..


Somehow you've stumbled upon my blog, scraping the ends of the internet for something interesting.

Instead you found this.
I hope I don't put you to sleep.

Stories of fiction and fact lie dormant in this digital journal. Anything labelled with fiction junction is just that: fiction.


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» Viktor's Girls. [an ongoing collection]

do you think of me when I think of you

» Rachel Waa.
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» the awesomer.
» not always right.
» stumble upon.
» Lore Olympus.

as the nighttime slowly sings...?

» chih.
» kaylyn.
» kitty.
» j comeau of A Softer World.

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“if only you could see”
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I been watching as the circle turns around, as I stare at it, it sucks me in it.
Jul 18, 2008 || 9:41 PM || comment?

Written on the way from Phoenix to Houston, about my ride from Sacramento to Phoenix, and other things.

I don't know when I last had a full night's sleep. Anytime I've gone to sleep, I'd be out in less than a few minutes. Usually I toss and turn around. My mind races. But those nights I slept without anything more than the next day on mind. Getting downstairs a little early was always a wise choice, seeing how the lines for food easily grew out of control (not in terms of behavior, but length). Turns out I didn't write as much as I thought I would but it's not really a problem. I had a really good time, my last math convention, tournament, ever. I'm a little said...or really sad, actually. I knew in sophomore year I wanted to join as soon as I heard the announcement. I told Kaylyn, and she was all for it. Nothing's better than being shown you didn't know as much as you thought you did- from an eight year old named Scott Wu. On the first flight, I played a card game with a little girl and her dad. She knew how to add negative and positive numbers together. She was maybe 11 or 12? I know freshmen (and older) that have trouble with this. Of course, the year before you will always be smarter than you. Level requirements change, calling for a more rigorous course level. I'm smart, but I'm not intelligent or even impressive (well Mrs. Bacon might be shocked with my AP score).

My handwriting. Does it say I'm lazy or typical to that of a doctor's? No idea. The way you cross your "t" and dot your "i" have an affect on what a hand writing analysts might discover about your personality. I dot my "i" before I make the line. I use a lazy mixture between cursive and print. Usually if a t is in the middle, or at the end of a word, I will cross it without lifting my pencil from the previous letter. And if two "t"'s are together, I cross both at the same time. Of course, I'm sure most people do that too. I leave a lot of space between my words. I can't tell if I do this on purpose or if I instinctively want to make my writing appear to be longer than it really is.

Her hair was short, her smile was bright, and she had really cute earrings. Her dad (Randy) said her name was Bren....or Brittney. I can't remember.