“if only you could see”
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The Reigning Daze.
So this is something I've been working on for the past day or so, and it's kind of....long. It's probably the longest thing I've ever written short of the story with the boy and the swing. Not sure where it's headed, but I know the main focus of the story, and hopefully with each new entry you'll be able to see what it is (this is assuming that I'm writing it well enough..).
The surrounding walls were white, and along with them, the bed in the center of the room had white sheets and a white blanket. Laying on top of this, offering the only visual relief was a girl with raven hair and narrow, gray eyes. She was on her back, staring at the ceiling fan, watching as the blades sliced at the same portion of air as they turned. She figured she was here for a few hours, or maybe a day. She could remember walking home last night after picking up a few parts from the corner store. She had ambitious plans to finish a project long forgotten. But those plans were out the window now; she had no clue where she was.
The room was silent except for the sound of her own breathing, and the repetitive tocking of the small alarm clock sitting on the side table. With one hand in her dress pocket, she fiddled with the parts still in it.
Why am I here?she wondered. It didn't make any sense why she was taken. What could they want to do with her? She inhaled deeply, then rolled onto her stomach. She set her eyes onto the clock, watching the second hand as it moved millimeters at a time. She did this for another slow-coming hour, then the alarm suddenly started to ring. She nearly jumped out of her skin, having not heard a sound nor expected one anytime soon. As soon as the alarm shut off, two men in white lab coats came in. She sat up at their arrival, and they stood as still as wax models.
"Why am I here?" she half screamed.
Without another word, the two men proceeded to the bed, grabbing each of her arms and taking her out of the white room. Struggling was useless, so she decided to make their work more difficult. She relaxed her body, forcing them to support all of her weight, but they showed no sign of any anger. From the hall they entered a spacious laboratory, and she marveled at all the technology that surrounded them. She had almost forgotten it was a bad thing that she'd been captured. They brought her into the lab, and finally set her down in a steel chair that was cold against her skin. In front of her stood a very ancient man; she assumed he was their director.
"Do you like my lab? I designed it myself." For an old man, she found him to be very lively. His feet fell lightly, almost as if he wasn't revealing his true age.
"You're probably wondering why you're here. For all intents and purposes, that will be kept secret. But do not worry. We have no intentions to harm you in any way. We only need your brain. You see, you have demonstrated capabilities that far surpass many of the scientists in this very establishment. And I was afraid you would decline had we asked for your assistance."
"Do you know what this is?" From the breast pocket of his coat he pulled out a simple microchip. But the microchip was anything but simple. Written onto it was the basis of a processing unit for a very sophisticated type of robot. It had taken years to fit all of the information on a conveniently sized chip. It was in fact, the kind of robot she was working on. She simply nodded.
"I figured as much. We too are building robot of very specific human capabilities. But there are a few small things we haven't been able to work out, and we need your assistance. We'll be more than happy to accommodate your needs accordingly. Do you...agree to this?"
A moment of silent passed before she parted her lips to speak.
"Do you promise to just let me leave when it's all finished?"
"Of course. Your work will be invaluable to us."
"Then...I really have no choice do I?" She swallowed all her worries to allow herself to say those words.
"Good. You'll be happy you helped us. And maybe we can help you, too." He smiled warmly. That was when she noticed how stark his eyes were, an icy blue color that seemed to match very well with his silver hair. He seemed trustworthy enough, if that even made sense to believe.
"Follow me." He headed out of the conference area and down a narrow hall. He entered a room on the left side and she was hesitant to follow. When she finally walked in, she noticed this room was white too, and empty except for the presence of the Director. The Director and...what appeared to be a person sleeping in a chair. But she found it impossible for any human to find sleeping in a chair comfortable. Was it..?
"Is he....?" She stared at him in quiet awe. Everything about him was perfect. His unkempt hair, fairly tan skin. He wore a white shirt and a pair of jeans. He wore no shoes.
"I can turn him on if you'd like. However, he doesn't have a name, yet." She nodded enthusiastically. The Director stepped behind the robot and took the microchip from his pocket and inserted it into the back of his neck. A faint whirring could be heard as the information synced with the robot. Within a matter of seconds he was completely uploaded and proceeded to "wake up."
He sat up slowly, rubbing at his eyes as he did so.
"Is it morning?" The Director smiled as the girl watched him so intently she hardly blinked.
"Actually, it's already noon. We let you sleep in today because you have a new friend. Her name is....well, she's going to be spending some time with you for the next few days." He patted the robot reassuringly as he took a look at his new "friend."
"Just press the call button if you need anything." The Director headed out of the room, and shut the door behind him. The robot blinked at this then averted his attention to the girl.
"My friend?" His voice filled the room, and it sounded completely natural. His mannerisms, his expressions. So what could there be she needed to fix?
"Um...yes. Just like the Director." Did he even know what the word friend meant?
"No. He is my teacher. He said you were my friend." Right. He seemed to grasp the concept of what has been said to him. She supposed she would simply have to figure out what needed to be fixed.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." She looked down at the table, at her two hands. She still found it hard to believe she could do anything to improve him.
"What do you normally do here?"
"Well..I walk with the Director in the garden. There's a cat outside and I like to pet it. It's really soft." He had repeated routines, and he could distinguish between different textures.
"There's a garden here? Are there any flowers outside?"
"Lots. But they're all the same. Yellow jasmine. It makes it smell really sweet when we walk out there." His sense receptors were fairly advanced. He could properly distinguish between new and familiar sights, remember names, and properly identify a scent. He could properly recognize familiar sounds and relate them to their sources.
"I like jasmine, but I don't have the patience to grow it."
"No patience? Then why are you here?" Silence. Well, she did have patience, just not for flowers. He knew that it would be frustrating work to improve anything. She supposed he was right though. He stood from his spot then headed for the door. He was almost out when he turned around.
"I'm sorry. I have to go for my walk." Then he left the room without another word. She was shocked that he left her so suddenly but she figured she needed to follow him. Plus, she wanted to see the garden. As she made it out the room, she saw him rounding the corner. She ran to catch up with him and he seemed surprised to see her.
"Are you going to walk with me today?"
"Well, I think the Director might be busy. Besides, wouldn't you like to take a walk with your friend?" He stopped in mid stride to take a look at her.
"I guess." He spoke so casually. She was a little surprised at his response, but he had no reason to respect her. She decided to follow him anyways. He seemed a little set in his ways, too, but he would learn to adjust. She followed behind him the rest of the way, but he never once looked back to check on her. When they finally reached the end of the hall, he turned around.
"We're here now." Before them was a door, which he opened to reveal a beautifully grown garden. He was right, it was full of jasmine. Unfortunately, the rain was there to ruin their plans.
"Oh..." he sighed, and she noticed a bit of sadness.
"Well, what do you do when it rains?" Walking in the garden must have been what he looked forward to most. This was probably why he would much rather the Director to be with him.
"Well, I can go to my lessons now."
"Lessons for what?"
"Piano...but I'm not very good at it."
"That's okay. I can't play at all, so I'm sure you're great." He merely shrugged at her comment. He closed the door then turned to head back up the hallway. He looked back this time to see if she would follow, and she did.
"Can you play any songs yet?"
"I just started this week. But I can play Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star."
"That's amazing..." She wondered what his capacity for learning was; what lessons they would teach him. She ultimately wondered about his purpose. Did he even know his purpose? Why was he built? Merely for the advancement of technology? Or is there some ulterior motive to his existence? She couldn't determine what one could be, but she knew it had to be something. Or else they wouldn't have wasted the time and effort it must have taken to create something so...flawless. For the rest of the day she would follow him around, take note of his daily activity, and the ways his accomplished everything. She watched as the Director turned him off, led her back to the white room, and she settled in for the first night of her unknown duties.
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