“if only you could see”
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November 2021
Insects Rule!
I once met a woman who was skin and bones,
Invited all the insects to come into her home,
She trained them so well they could answer her phone,
But the day finally came when the poor woman was overthrown.
Her husband returned home from voyages at sea,
To find his lovely wife dead, and a spider sipping tea.
He drew his knife and swore he would have the spider's eyes,
An army of red ants nearly took him by surprise.
The sailor and his wife lay dead while neighbors peeked in,
Outside the dogs were mesmerized by the humming from within,
News spread throughout the town of the insects' arrival,
People gathered in the church to pray to God and quote from the Bible.
Men came with gasoline and torches abright,
A billion flies covered the skies 'til it was dark as night,
The cries were barely heard beneath the buzzing of the bees,
Now the insects rule so get down on your knees.
And the town crier said:
You God-fearing people had better beware,
Gather up your idols and begin to prepare,
The time has come, the locusts have taken the air,
negotiations are in effect the bugs don't even care.
a song by Brendan Benson, pretty interesting right?
SO yeah, it's pretty late, somewhat tired, didn't even do the dishes I set out to do, and will probably have a not-happy dad in the morning, good right? Oh well. ):
I can do them tomorrow when I still don't feel like it but will have to because I said I would, yay procrastination. roar :X
went to Aaron's house to eat some food, watched Lady Vengeance, and then played Pokemon Stadium, which TOTALLY rocks. I always loved playing the minigames, they are the best....