“if only you could see”
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it's hard to hear under the water.
so why don't you come out and play?
too bad you can't always have it your way.
A question for the wise...
T'storm = thunderstorm
T-bird = thunderbird
T-shirt = thunder shirt?
final distance
You could only imagine my surprise when I saw in your eyes the beauty of the world.xpen.seet.quelle.se.ulchos.eje.p.eu.
a romantic? longing for a happily ever after? is that what i am?
leaving is going to be really hard.
it's going to be really hard.
The well holds plenty.
Looking at what's going on right now, my dilemma seems trivial.
Once again I find myself at a loss, unable to help those in need.
I've never gone so far, so when it comes back around, I have nothing useful to say. They mean nothing because I don't truly know or understand.
I'm sorry that I can't help when you seek guidance or some kind of solace.
I feel like a letdown.
But it's not even about me, so it's not fair for me to act this way. All I can do is be strong for those who need it.
complaint two: What do I choose? How do I decide? Right now, I'm seriously considering not taking French. How incomplete! ): I've taken it all my life, this is so not fair. ): I guess it could be worse....but this is bad! So how do I decide?
Chem II AP or Pharmacy Tech? Any help?
Pharmacy Tech is good to take, because this will secure me a financially sound job for during college. Chem II AP is...well, it's chemistry. And it's chemistry. ):
So, a minor/major dilemma to consider, because I realalalylylyly want to take both of these classes and it is SO COMPLETELY not fair.
Sweet Relief (:
After a week of pain, it's finally healing. No more pain. :]
My mom bought the medicine for me to take, and to be careful, I'm following it pretty strictly. One every eight hours, for seven days. So, 8 AM, 4 PM, and 12 AM. It's easy for me to follow, actually, because I'm up at 12 anyways, and it's not that bad waking up at 8 to take it.
In other news, summer is going by slowly and I love it. Tomorrow I'll be going to Beaumont for some fun, but I'm not sure where. :P
One thing I'd like to do this summer is go to a concert. There are a couple I'd like to go to, but one I do know about is for Linkin Park in August, probably for their CD that recently came out. It's really different from their first two albums, but whatever. I'd like to see them in concert for what it's worth.
I have an orthodontist appointment in the morning, so I need to be sleeping noww...good night all. :P
I gotta bad case of lovin' youuu.
So...today I go to the doctor. Fun or not fun? I guess I'll have to let you guys know later..the appointment is at 2.15. ]:
We're pretty sure that I've got....the /shingles/.
For anyone who doesn't know...it's when the virus that gave you chickenpox wants to come back, but everyone knows you don't get chickenpox again! So you get shingles, instead. But don't worry. I'm not contagious. <3 And it's most likely that the rest of you WON'T get it because it can only affect you if your immune system is low (which means you're either gonna be old, have something like HIV, or stress has got your immune system down.).. We believe I got it because of all the recent stress in my life has lowered my beloved immune system. So today we go to Dr. Lily to see what she recommends we do.
You get shingles only in certain places, and if and when you do get it, it will only be on one side of the body. How nice, right? WRONG. ): When chickenpox goes away, the virus essentially becomes latent and hangs out in your nerves, so if you get shingles, it will follow the nerve that it appears in. It's bad because if I didn't know about it sooner, I could possibly have nerve damage because there's this post illness which is kinda like mindplay because wherever it affected you, it /feels/ like it's still there, but it's gone, and for some cases, that damage can be pretty bad.
But I'm not worried. It's going away right now, which is good, we just need to see what would she do to prevent from anything bad happening.
So how has everyone else been? ((:
It's time for a good night's sleep.
For the past few days I've been suffering from this really unpleasant ________.
It's bothering my shoulder and arm, and it is NOT fun. It's blagh and nasty and it hurts. I'm trying a couple of things to lessen the pain and it doesn't seem to help so maybe I need to see a doctor. My sister said she'd take me to the store/possibly Moss regional, because it's no fun. I swar.
In the mean time, I'm trying my best to ignore it, which is dang near impossible. Arm functions: putting on shirts, brushing teeth, anything that involves lifting or putting pressure the arm, such as SLEEPING. Yeah. It's that annoying. Yay rant0rz, hah.
I also should have washed the dishes but I didnt, so maybe I can escape it for one more night hee hee ;)
I like to sleep on my side, so...there's another bad thing about this ____.
But if I want to get to sleep at a decent hour (yes, I know it's one in the morning) I better go to bed now. Enjoy the rant, dears. :3
ps. i feel like making a bunch of faces. so if you don't know:
:) :D happy faces, xD :P laughing/silly faces, D: ): shocked/sad faces, x_x -_- dead/annoyed faces, :3 kissy face! x3 also kissy face, but the eyes are closed, as they should be haha.
<3 --;--@ heart and rose.
124C|-|31 my name. as leet as it can get. (not only am i a math geek, as you can see, I can manipulate numbers to be letters, which, I suppose, is like math...soooo...nevermind hahah ((: )
A lot of updates.!
Well, I just recently started my job at the sushi place in the mall, and it's working out great! I work at the register, and take the orders, because I don't know how to make anything. ):
I'd really like to at least know how to make what's cooked on the grill, and the simple little fried foods...wouldn't that be so cool? I think it would be. :D My hours are good, I believe, and I'm making enough money to satisfy myself, but I really need to start saving for Tampa. A week in Tampa, I'm so ready!
Working at the sushi place, I talk a lot with Jin know and I'm learning something new (or he is) everyday. They're all so nice to me, and they're glad that I can help out since Mrs. Kim's daughter is going to Korea for a month or so.
I also spent the night at my friend Nathan's house and we had a blast! We finally crashed around 3 or 4, but it was a LOT of fun. We watched some dumb movies, played video games, and ate lotsa spaghetti. ;)
I work tomorrow if anyone wants to see me...anytime except from 3-5, that is. :D
Another thing would be my dad. He sounds really good now, his speech really is improving. I finally got to say a lot without him being tired from the physical therapy, and we got to talk about what happened a little bit, and I'm glad.
What I'm not glad about is the financial aspect of it. I'm not sure what's going on right now, but all I know is my sister, who is 19, is doing a lot of the paper work, and I've been told only the /estimated/ cost. And if she has to pay for that, she'll be paying for it for a very, very long time. We don't know if and how much Medicaid will cover. But we can only hope for the best.
I feel that life is good right now, despite everything.
Life is good.
Nevermind, the world is over...It's early. And I start work tomorrow at the sushi place in the mall, I'm so excited. (:
I also need to start on summer work.
I need to buy two books.
I need to graph.